Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Activity 5

Question: Will the amount of wires make a difference to the circuit?

Method: For this experiment, the Circuit Construction Kit (DC only) was used to explore if the amount of batteries make a difference to the circuit. I started with 3 wires, a battery and light bulb. These materials made a circuit. I kept experimenting keeping the same number of light bulbs and batteries for accuracy.

Hypothesis:  I think as long as the wires connect to the battery and the light bulb correctly then it won't make a difference in the circuit.

Observed Data: 
Wires  Batteries  Light Bulb Pictured In Electrical Circuit? 
3 1 1 Figure 1 Yes
6 1 1 Figure 2 Yes
12 1 1 Figure 3 Yes
                                                                        Figure 1: 
Figure 2: 
Figure 3:  

Answer: The hypothesis was correct. I determined by even connecting 12 wires, there was still an electrical circuit. The wires were connected to the battery and the light bulb in the right spots.