Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Activity 5

Question: Will the amount of wires make a difference to the circuit?

Method: For this experiment, the Circuit Construction Kit (DC only) was used to explore if the amount of batteries make a difference to the circuit. I started with 3 wires, a battery and light bulb. These materials made a circuit. I kept experimenting keeping the same number of light bulbs and batteries for accuracy.

Hypothesis:  I think as long as the wires connect to the battery and the light bulb correctly then it won't make a difference in the circuit.

Observed Data: 
Wires  Batteries  Light Bulb Pictured In Electrical Circuit? 
3 1 1 Figure 1 Yes
6 1 1 Figure 2 Yes
12 1 1 Figure 3 Yes
                                                                        Figure 1: 
Figure 2: 
Figure 3:  

Answer: The hypothesis was correct. I determined by even connecting 12 wires, there was still an electrical circuit. The wires were connected to the battery and the light bulb in the right spots.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Nature of Science

What do you think science means?  

  • What kinds of experiments have you done in science?  
  • What were the steps you did to perform the experiment? 
  • What kinds of observations did you make on your experiment? Did anything change or stay the same?  

The three points are to help you brainstorm your definition of science. To receive full points on this discussion question: write 1 paragraph, write at least 1 supporting question and use clear thoughtfulness.